Becoming a Woman of Substance is Alive and Thriving

Becoming a Woman of Substance is Alive and Thriving

Please remember that my new historical novel, Becoming a Woman of Substance is available for purchase in Print and Kindle versions on Amazon. The audio will be available shortly. for Barnes and...
I Finished Writing Sequel to Beguiled

I Finished Writing Sequel to Beguiled

Becoming a Woman of Substance is born. I’ve completed ALL of the countless versions of my 2nd novel (4th book) with the masterful help of editor Amaryah Orenstein and beta readers. My next project is to decide how I want to publish it. Since my first 2 books,...
Writing Fiction With More Showing, Not Telling

Writing Fiction With More Showing, Not Telling

My sequel to BEGUILED is a historical novel taking place between 1938, when the Great Depression is still evident, to the 1970s. Most of the story covers the years 1938-1942. There are a number of (I hope) compelling scenes of the protagonist Miriam Butler working for...

Writing About Racism in 1930s

I’m writing the sequel to the first novel that was published in 2018. It covers the period between 1938 – about 1950. The protagonist Miriam meets a man 10 years her junior on assignment from the Federal Theater Project, funded by the WPA during the New...

Looking for TITLE for sequel to Beguiled

Would love to get help in finding a memorable title for this sequel. Here is a short synopsis of this story, which follows the protagonist, Miriam Levine Butler from 1938-1942. Since she was born in 1900, you (and I) can easily keep track of her age. If you know your...